Wound Care
We bring together a multi-specialty team of board-certified surgeons and nurses who have extensive knowledge in all areas of wound care management. Your comprehensive wound care team will treat the wound and any underlying conditions that have contributed to your having a wound that has not healed.
Overall, wound care specialists take an approach that is focused on caring for wounds and improving quality of life. Not only do we take into account new medical therapies, but they are always looking for ways to reduce recovery time and improve the healing process.
Our physicians provide expert wound care for all types of skin injuries.
Working collaboratively with a team of doctors, we develop a wound treatment program to heal your wound, whatever its cause.
Treatment Services
Our specialized wound care accelerates your natural healing process by taking advantage of recent advances in wound care—whenever possible, without requiring surgery.
Physicians from a variety of disciplines may be involved in your care, including general surgeons, podiatrists, infectious disease specialists, plastic surgeons and vascular surgeons.
At Mountain View Surgery and Wound Care we prioritize your swift and safe recovery. Our customized treatment plans are tailored to your specific injuries. Our goal is topreserve maximum functionality with earlier recovery, allowing you to enjoy a better quality of life.
We develop customized, wound management plan to ensure the most effective approaches which may include:
● Wound assessment
● Patient education and counseling
● Skin care techniques
● Skin grafting
● Vascular evaluations
● Compression and VAC therapy
● Home health support
● Infection management
● Nutritional management
● Pain management
● Podiatry consultations